What is SIFTS? How does it work?

What is SIFTS?

SIFTS is a quick and easy web-based survey tool developed primarily to support decision-making teams who need assistance in matching a person’s needs and strengths to AT features. It has embedded text, picture, and video supports to assist teams in building their knowledge of assistive technologies, as well as their capacity to implement AT assessments.

Information on the website is secure. A person’s results can be retained for future use, and multiple AT domains can be collected and stored for the same person.

While SIFTS is primarily intended for teams making decisions about assistive technology, it is also helpful for parents, students, consumers, and others because it focuses on easily observable needs and abilities and it does not use medical terms or jargon. SIFTS does not take the place of a full AT assessment, but provides support for the portion of the assessment that requires teams to match a person’s needs to AT features before making final device selections.